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Johan Vromans

Johan Vromans

LilyPond unanswered questions

The LilyPond community is very helpful, but despite of that I could not get an answer to several LilyPond questions. Here's a collection.

Metronome ticks

Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 10:06:52 +0200

I'd like to provide metronome ticks to a Lilypond generated MIDI.

I could add an additional, non-printing (percussion) voice, but maybe there's a simpler solution?

Partcombine and Lyrics

Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 23:09:18 +0200

Basically, I've got something like this

    \new Staff = smed <<
      \new Voice = "med"  {
    \new Lyrics = med { s1 }
    \context Lyrics = med \lyricsto med \medWords

Now I want to add a second melody. It's identical to the first, with a few exceptions. So I want to use partcombine.

    \new Staff = smed <<
      \new Voice = "med"  {
	\set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
	\partcombine \medMusic \lowMusic
    \new Lyrics = med { s1 }
    \context Lyrics = med \lyricsto med \medWords

However, now Lilypond complains "cannot find Voice 'med'".

How can I add lyrics to combined parts?

Strange effects with lilypond-book

Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 13:20:05 +0200

I'm trying to use lilypond-book.

I have a piece of music that contains two scores. When I process it normally, I get:

However, when processed via lilypond-book, I get:
The book.tex contains:
  \oddsidemargin 0mm
  \evensidemargin 0mm
Noel.ly contains:
  \version "2.10.20"
  global = {
    \key d \major
    \time 4/4
    \tempo 4 = 120

  baseMusic = \relative c' {
    s2 r8 a ^1 b cis  |
    \bar "|."
  baseWords = \lyrics {
    ba ba ba

  contraMusic = \relative c'' {
    a 4 a 8 a 4 ( g 8 )   fis 4  |
    \bar ":|"
  contraWords = \lyrics {
    boo boo boo boo boo

  baseMusic = {
    %\new ChoirStaff
    %\new StaffGroup
        \new Staff = sbase <<
           \new Voice = "base" {
             \set Staff.instrumentName = ""
             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \new Lyrics = base { s1 }
        \context Lyrics = base \lyricsto base \baseWords

  contraMusic = {
    %\new ChoirStaff
    %\new StaffGroup
        \new Staff = scontra <<
           \new Voice = "contra" {
             \set Staff.instrumentName = ""
             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \new Lyrics = contra { s1 }
        \context Lyrics = contra \lyricsto contra \contraWords

  \paper {
    printallheaders = ##t

  \score {
    \header {
      title    = "Noel, Noel"
      subtitle = "Kerstcanon, 3-stemmig"
    \layout {
      \context {
         \remove "Time_signature_engraver"


  \score {
    \header {
      title = "Melodische tegenstem Noel, Noel"
    \layout {
      \context {
        \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
        \remove "Metronome_mark_engraver"

Is this the "Only the first \score of a LilyPond block is processed." bug?

Unfolding "D.S. al Coda" repeats

Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 09:46:29 +0200

To generate a complete midi from a score, I need to unfold "D.S. al Coda" repeats. Any suggestions how to do this?

Placing ornaments, logo's

Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 22:35:17 +0200

I produce my music sheets with the PostScript/PDF backends. Now I'd want to include a logo and some other mainly fixed texts on the sheets.

Can this be done with Lilypond?

I tried lilypond-book but that doesn't work (it screws up the output). OOoLilyPond doesn't seem to be able to handle bigger scores.

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LilyPond/unanswered.html last modified 16:48:16 29-Sep-2007